Monday, January 18, 2010

Featherweight Cardigan

I suppose it had to happen sometime this winter, but I have a cold. Due to this cold, I have a lot more time to knit. I've started Featherweight on my new Asciano needles, which I love. It's malabrigo laceweight on size 7 needles. Addis didn't work for me because the yarn was slipping too much. The wood on the ascianos is perfect.

Here are three of them from ravelry that I am using as inspiration. I am also taking Stefanie Japel's How to Fit Your Knits class and it is genius. I would highly recommend taking this class for any of you who want your garments to fit your body better. I call it taking control of your knitting and not relying on a pattern that may or may not be totally accurate. Check out other classes here.

Rav Link

Rav Link

Rav Link

I love the way these look with dresses. I also am definitely going to incorporate some sort of lace like middle photo. Photos to come soon. Back to knitting...

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