My first scarf became a triangle due to an unfortunate accidental increase at the beginning of every row- my yarn was at the back of my needles, not the front- I always point this out to people when I teach them to knit. I love the feeling of having many projects going at the same time. I also love giving things to people. Knitting was perfect.
I'd love to hear why YOU knit. I have a theory that all knitters have something in common- whether it's an abundance of anxiety and/or a maternal instinct- I want to pin it down. Please vote in the new poll!
QUESTION: During this time of prepping for the holidays, I've been thinking a lot about the people in our town/world who are in need. If any of you are interested in making a square (12 inches on each side) with leftover yarn to be sewn into a blanket to donate to the Salvation Army, please post a comment or email me. I like to sew things together, so I will finish the blanket. If I only get a few squares, we'll donate a baby blanket. If I get a bunch of squares, we'll make a blanket for a family. I just think that this year especially people will be in need of some sympathy and warmth. Victoria, I know you're game!
Here is a little game...can you tell what Vilde is making?

here's a little more of a hint...

The answer to this game is here.
And I'll leave you with a picture of my adorable three foot tall christmas tree with several knitted items hanging from it (some from Caspari- thank you Heather!)

I would be happy to knit a square but first I have to finish the gazillion (ok, only 14) things on my gift list (some are small)!Can it be a January project?
ps. I knit because it calms me. I am totally a process knitter, struggling to learn to be more of a product knitter.
I knit because it's comforting and exciting at the same time. All the pretty colors, soft fibers, and wearable possibilities. And because the idea of not having something (knitting) to do while waiting is nightmarish. I wish I could knit while walking the dog...
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