But first, here is Debby's pretty window:

If you've never been to Rhinebeck (New York Sheep and Wool Festival), you might want to go
here to see what it consists of. I was in heaven. Now I'm planning what to wear there this year. I think I can finish the Must Have Cardi, possibly the featherweight cardi, and maybe even the cardi I've been making with the yarn I got a Rhinebeck last year.
But here's my dilemma- the
twist collective just came out with a great issue and my buddy, Ysolda, has a really cool cardi in there that can't take too long to do...and then Classic Elite just came out with a ton of new books (seriously, their graphic design team is GOOD), and what about all the needlepoint I wanted to have done for Christmas? My pet ornaments for my tree?
This is why Fall is so wonderful for me. I am a project person- I always need to have like three going, but then I get stressed and I think "wait, why am I stressing over my hobby?"
SO- Here are my goals for the rest of this year, and I'm posting it here so that you all hold me accountable.
1. Will's sweater done by September 3rd so it has time to get to Missouri in time for his 18th bday. (I tried it on him in Italy and it's looking great. I have one sleeve + the yoke to do)
2. Must have cardi finished mid-sept. I picked these buttons out for it yesterday and I love it!

3. Clapotis for Sharman by mid-sept.
4. Featherweight Cardi- I'll start this soon and see how long it's going to take. If I dont get it done by October, no biggie.
5. Needlepoint- I need to settle down and work on this a few hours a week. Speaking of needlepoint, here is Mimi's progress on the Zecca purse. We have this in the shop.

6. Sewing class- I'd love to find an intermediate class that can make me a GOOD seamstress. Anyone want to take it with me?
7. Spinning- I have a fleece from MD sheep and wool and I need to wash it and get it ready for spinning.
8. Christmas presents- I need some time to brainstorm these, but I think only one sweater for my mom this year. Robert, Dena, Will, and my dad will have to settle for another knitted accessory. Remember the awesome Redskins hats?!
Here is a BSJ that Susan made and some CUTE buttons from the shop- we have some great buttons now.

Here's to September- it's just around the corner!