ArtYarns has hit another home run with their newest luxury silk yarn Silk Pearl. I have not seen anything else like it on the market. It is made from lots of thin strands of silk spun together, making it a gorgeous silk that will not pill or look worn. Each of those twisted strands twisted together give it an unbelievable shine. The day the silk arrived in the shop, I chose a skein (not an easy choice with the color variety) and ran to Studio Baboo to get beads to make the Scalloped Beads Silk Scarf pattern, designed by Sharon Sorkin. The color that I chose had light greens and blues and I found glass beads that really complemented the colors. All other projects were bumped from the list so I could try out this yarn. It is gorgeous! You have to see it in person and feel it; it has a wonderful weight with all those beads on the bottom. It took one skein of Silk Pearl (170 yards/skein), and a size 6 needle and about 1500 size 6 beads.
Every once in a while a garment comes into the store and becomes a runaway hit. The hit of this summer has been Norah Gaughan’s summer top called Flow.
The pattern is in The Norah Gaughan Collection, Volume 2 which is packed with lots of other great patterns as well. Flow is unbelievably easy to knit—stockinette stitch and a size 8 needle, and no sleeves.
It is knit in Berroco’s new yarn Seduce that has a really great hand—rayon, linen, silk and nylon. One customer is making it in 3 different colors, another customer is on her second one, and I am ¾ of the way through mine, which will double as a store model. We had 2 models of this garment in the shop over the last two weeks, and we not only wiped our supply of Seduce, but we have about 6 people waiting for the new shipment to come in. It’s one of those magic garments that looks good whether you are tall, short, big, small, busty or flat chested—and it is very cool for the c’ville humidity.
A few other recent pictures from the shop...
a Norah Gaughan top on my list of things to do...

and more to come as soon as we get pictures of the crochet class (that was a HUGE hit!). If you're suddenly teaching yourself how to crochet, write a comment on the blog. I've got the urge and I know Bobby and Angela have been crocheting too...and CHECK OUT Victoria's new market bag...

For those of you who took the class, email us a photo at and I'll put it up on the blog!
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